Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Monitor- Shot List

Shot List.

I have made a list of shots which me and Ali will be using in order to make our opening sequence the best it can be. 
1.      Over The Shoulder Shot- This will be used to create great effect and by the camera being focused on something else it informs the audience that they should be listening because the camera isn’t focused on the main protagonist.
2.      Hand Held Shots- This gives the feel of self involvement, this shows that the camera is in fact somebody because there moving like an actual person.  This also gives off the feel that we as an audience are becoming the camera, we see things from our perspective.
3.      Tracking Shot- This follows the character around from one side of the room to another. We used this because it was almost like someone was following our main protagonist.
4.      Zoom Shot- This shot will be used to show importance and less importance within the character. The bits we zoom in on are clearly more important than the ones we don’t zoom in on. If we zoom out it’s because we want the audience to feel weary and that we’re backing away because of possible danger.
5.      Birds Eye View Shot- This gives us the sense that we are above the person for a reason, may it be danger. This also gives the audience a different angle to view from and will draw their attention.
6.      Close Up Shots- This is to show personal affection for the character, if she is upset or angry, the closer the camera gets the more sympathy we will feel for her. We are invading her space
7.      Long/Middle Shots- This shows we are distant from the character which could reflect on not getting too close for an apparent reason which they find out during the opening sequence.

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