Wednesday 23 March 2011

Lighting Research

I have researched what kind of lighting there are and which ones me and Ali will be using to produce a really good opening sequence.
1.)    Background Lighting- We will be using this especially in some areas of the shots for example when she is typing on the computer, the background (the office) will be very bright.
2.)    Night Mode- When we are in Ali’s room shooting one particular scene we will be in darkness with no direct sunlight or any purpose lighting therefore we will be using Night Mode which will also create an eerie feel.
3.)    High-Key Lighting- We Will be using High Key Lighting to give off a happy yet awkward  feel when she is on the computer and when she is walking through the house, this is when there is a high contrast ratio, therefore making one particular part more obvious than others.
4.)    Low- Key Lighting- We will be using Low Key Lighting when Ali is in the bedroom; The camera zooms in on her face as she turns round and it is quite dark and has shadow on particular parts of her face. This is to show danger and the dark side of her.
5.)    Mood Lighting- We will be using Mood Lighting for example it is going to be really bright when she is on the computer laughing and talking to people. Although dark when she is in the bedroom screaming and having a fit.
These are all the lighting techniques I would like to use in our opening sequence. I think buy using these it will benefit us a lot and make it the best of our ability.
Some of the lighting techniques I would like to use are going to be difficult and may not be able to get them all done but I would like to try.

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